Recorder for

The ARGH project is a flight video recorder created for Collins Aerospace (our project partner) for use on a large drone to conduct aerial surveys.

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Join us at the College of Engineering Expo on June 10th. Come and see us at Kelly Engineering Center!

Some Details Your Might Be Interested IN

About The Project

The primary objective of our project is to create a graphical history (video) recorder for large commercial and military drones. The goal for our project is to be able to save the data from GigE Vision [1] and USB3 Vision [2] industrial cameras using the Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier platform to allow other people to review it later. This is to facilitate an aerial reconnaissance mission where a large drone will be able to record aerial graphical data by taking multiple images every second. Since this project will likely end up in a confidential application, our team does not know the specifics of what the drone will be doing, to the best of our knowledge the drone will be taking aerial footage of some remote regions for a long period of time.

GigE Vision Camera

USB3 Vision Camera

Autonomous Operation



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Design Considerations

Recording Delays

Should the user desires, our system provides the ability to set a delay for the recording and skip the takeoff and journey to the destination. Since the device will be fully enclosed within a large drone and it is not possible to control the system using RF communication, cellular, or internet, this would be the only way to control the recording once the drone compartment is sealed.

Meet The People Behind The Project

The Team

This is a list of all our team members along with their responsibility for the project.

In cooperation with our project partner Carlo from Collins Aerospace

Anthony Kung

Primary Executable Script
GigE Vision Camera

Caden Friesen

USB3 Vision Camera
Storage Operation

Henry Chen

Nvidia Jetson Power Supply

Project Pictures

Have some peeks at our project!